茨城県水戸市、三の丸のネジ工場. 熱く燃えるコークス炉に材料を入れて、フリクションと呼ばれるプレス機で六角頭を成形すると六角ボルトができあがる。1958年、菊池高信が夫婦二人三脚で小さなネジ工場をはじめました。
●How did Kikuchi Seisakusho founded?
Placing materials in blazing coke furnace, and using friction press to forge hexagonal heads. That’s how you make hex bolts. In 1958, Takanobu Kikuchi and his wife Tsuyako started the small bolt manufacturing factory in Mito city, Japan.
Haruhiro Haba : The Second Successor
He was passionately believed in manufacturing every parts for any trades within their company using their very own skills This had led Kikuchi Seisakusho to become Metal Processing Company which designs and manufactures.
Masahito Haba : The Third Succesoor
He has been successfully developing “Devices by Our Own Design” with experienced and knowledgeable staffs.
● 菊池製作所のいま、これから
2019年 菊池製作所の開発チームは、「上から吊らずに下から押し上げる」不思議なエレベーターを生み出しました。「床に置くだけなのに地震に強い」「メンテナンスが要らない」「電気がなくても手で動く」ユニークな世界初の車いす専用の段差解消機です。「こんなエレベーターがあったらいいな」そんな小さな声から、車いす専用段差解消機 CHAINWAITERーZは生まれました。
● Kikuchi Seisakusho, Now and the Future
In 2019, our Product Development Team has invented the unusual elevator which “pushes from surface not hangs from ceiling” This elevator has several unique features; simply placed on a floor and withstand an earthquake, no maintenance, operable with or without electricity. CHAINWAITER-Z is the first world most unique stair lift which came true from diversity of people’s opinions.
Kikuchi Seisakusho operates ideation, design, manufacture and assembly. We will manufacture from every small bolts to precision components in our company to make your ideas come true.